Code of Ethics

SNPRM has created its own Code of Ethics to which all members abide. It sets a strict professional frame when dealing with customers, includes the RSE, (Societal Responsibility of Enterprises), GDPR with confidentialityand transparence, the obligation of on-going training for the members and their employees, respect of fair trade practices, with no financial link with any real estate company. Compliance to our Code of Ethics is also demanded to subcontractors.

All members of the SNPRM must agree to:

● Take on the responsibility of the profession with regard to the company.
● Pay their employees in accordance with the national employment regulations laid out in the “Convention collective nationale des bureaux d’études techniques, cabinets d’ingénieurs-conseils et sociétés de conseil” and take out the necessary travel insurance to cover clients for transportation related to a mission.
● Confidentiality with regard to any information given to them.
● Make sure at ail limes that the dignity, honourable character and reputation of the profession is kept.
● Keep informed and develop skills in keeping with the advancement of new technology, current legislation and modern business practice and use these skills competently and appropriately when rendering services to a client.

● Refrain from giving advice on matters, which are not within their competence.
● Act at all times in the legitimate interest of the client and accomplish professional missions with integrity and loyalty.
● Be impartial when giving a professional opinion, or making a judgment or decision.
● Inform their client of any conflict of interests, which might arise in carrying out their job.
● Refuse any form of payment, which might hinder the nonbiased nature of a judgment, particularly from estate agents.
● Commit themselves in the carrying out of a mission, to refusing any offer of commission from a third party or representative of this third party.
● Favour the concept of making selections according to competence rather than any other criteria.
● Be sure never to either intentionally or accidentally harm anyone’s reputation or job.
● Any competitive spirit towards fellow members of the profession being expressed in a loyal manner.
● Take over the job of another relocation company or of an independent consultant only, and only if, the request to do so comes specifically from the client.
● In the case of a request to go back over another person’s work, behave in a particularly professional and tactful manner.


NPRC Relocation
Head office : Domaine des Jardins
69, chemin des Jardins

Tel. : +33(0)6 61 10 45 60

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*Obligatory mention