Our missions

NPRC’s missions include

helping newcomers to adjust to their new environment
helping you with each phase of your move
offering tailored solutions according to your needs
Whether you are an individual moving to another town or country for professional or personal reasons, or a Human Resources or Purchasing Director targeting the cost optimisation of the employee’s transfer, NPRC, through its national and
international network, is always at your disposal to provide tailored services.

Settling in with peace of mind

Nearly 40% of people who move to a foreign country or another region don’t manage to integrate, and often move back to where they came from. Settling in to a new place’ in France isn’t easy, even for the French. Changing jobs, or adopting a new lifestyle is a worrying source of stress. In record time they have to find somewhere to live, get the utilities turned on, the kids signed up for a school or crèche, and understand the educational system. It rapidly becomes an exhausting marathon.
That’s why NPRC help new arrivals settle down*. After doing a needs analysis, all the practical details are taken care of: from paperwork to finding a flat or being shown round the area. Apart from this practical help, the idea is to provide a social network and peace of mind for the newly arrived.There is a welcome pack of information about the area.
NPRC Relocation
Head office : Domaine des Jardins
69, chemin des Jardins
Tel. : +33(0)6 61 10 45 60